Sunday, October 9, 2011


I took Ellie to the doctor and found out that it is indeed coxsackie virus (hand, foot and mouth disease). It's a highly contagious, but mild viral infection. Poor baby also has ulcers all down her throat. I called the clinic to see if we needed to quarantine either Nate or Ellie. They said definitely not, just use good hand washing and cross our fingers that he doesn't get it...we're praying. It wouldn't be awful if he did get it, but he'd probably end up back in the hospital for a fever...and we certainly want no part of that!

I am not a person who is afraid of germs, I'm having to learn some germaphobic ways, but it's still not my nature. Sure, I've been known to Purell the heck out of my kids hands after a good, messy day at the park...but I've also been known to forget. It's never been a problem. Wes, Nate and Ellie have had their share of colds...but they've always been healthy. I think Wes has had antibiotics once and Nate and Ellie had never had them...before cancer. Now, every time Wes or Ellie has a sniffle I have to run them to the doctor to find out exactly what it is and if it's dangerous to Nate. I am NOT looking forward to this cough, cold and flu season...especially with Wes being in school.

I need to ask a favor...because I will forget to ask you when I see you...because I'm a scatter brain. Please...if you are going to be anywhere around Nate this flu season, get your flu shot. If you do not want to get it, for whatever reason, we love you...and we'll see you in May (when flu season is over). This goes for kids 6 months and older too. I'm sorry, but they have to get one...they can get it at their pediatrician. Adults can get one at your doctor or at just about any pharmacy...though, I recommend Albertsons :). A pertussis (whooping cough) booster shot is also important, especially if you're going to be around Nate alot (visiting our house or the hospital for long periods of time). Pertussis is not as common as the flu but there have been major outbreaks recently because it was previously thought that your childhood vaccination for pertussis lasted a lifetime and it has been discovered that it does not. Please get this booster if you have not had it since you were a could save Nate's life. Children, under age 11, who are up on their immunizations should be fine, adults can get it at most pharmacies, just like the flu shot. I am not going to remember to ask you if you've gotten these immunizations, so please, just do it, or be honest with us and don't expose yourself to Nate. We still love you, we just can't put Nate's life at risk.

You have your immunizations? Awesome! Come on over to visit. Unless, you're sick or have been in close proximity to someone that is sick within the last few days. If you still need to come over, let me know and you can wear a mask. Even if you're healthy, please wash everyone's hands the minute you walk in our house or Nate's hospital room. I will probably forget to remind you, so please help me remember.

All of this sucks. This is not me, it's not who I am...but it's who I have to be to protect Nate during these awful treatments. This is going to be a rough winter. If you have any all...please ask. We REALLY want visitors and play dates. It keeps us all sane, but we have to keep Nate safe. I hate this, but it's the way it is.


  1. And it's a good thing for you to remind the rest of us how lucky we are to just "walk" through stores and touch grocery carts etc.

    NO ONE should be offended by your "mama" instincts.

    smiles, cyndy

  2. Hi, I came across your blog somehow a while back. All four of my kids have the hand foot and mouth virus now. Just be really careful it spreads so easy. My fourth baby spent 6 weeks in the NICU and she came home during RSV and flu season. I saw some really cute poems people print up and tape to their front door along with a hanging bottle of sanitizer. Also have them leave their shoes outside. Just a thought for you. Best wishes for your family and your sweet little boy.
