Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day -6 and -5

Daddy took the weekend shift, so that he could spend some time with Nate and I could give Wes and Ellie some Mommy time.  It did dawn on me yesterday, though, Chris and I will not get to see eachother (other than a couple minutes in passing) for as long as Nate is in the hospital...4 to 6 weeks.  That's a long time to go without hanging out with my best friend.

Nate had a fun weekend with Daddy.  He is still doing great.  Lots of energy and eating...lots of playing.  He didn't start throwing up until Saturday.  Three times on Saturday, two times today.  All related to medicine taking or mouth care.  He has such a strong gag reflex and when he's on chemo, he just doesn't tolerate anything yucky in his mouth.  Unfortunately, all the medicines he takes (9 doses right now) are yucky and the mouth care he has to do 4 times a day is also yucky.  So, we get the bucket and cross our fingers.

His other least favorite time of the day is shower time.  It is important to keep his skin clean and healthy through this process, because it is another site of possible infection.  Nate is just not a big fan because we have to put tape over his dressing, which means we have to take the tape off...ouch!  Also, Nate does not tolerate being cold AT ALL right now because he is so thin.  So, we do his shower right before bed and he's pretty worn out and ready for sleep afterwards.

That's pretty much all I know right now.  Nate is snoozing and tomorrow will be his last day of chemo.  Here are a few pictures of Nate's fun weekend with Daddy.


  1. Thank you for sharing Nate and your lives with me. Also, thank you for the updates. Many of my Cancer Kids parents don't do this. Because I have hundreds of children that I try to follow and share with my friends on Facebook, it becomes impossible to keep up with each one. You have a difficult life right now. Nate's is much worse than anyone's. No one should have to go through what he is enduring. He is a strong boy! You are doing a great job as parents. God bless Nate and all your family. Take comfort in the Lord.

  2. I absolutely adore his smile! We are praying that Nate sails through transplant! Thank you for updating us, your family inspires me.

  3. Prayers for healing and strength for Nate and your family from Utah
