Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day -3, -2, -1 and True Love

Day -3 was Valentine's Day...and also Nate's last day of chemo.  We had a nice day.  Grandma sat with Nate while I snuck away to Wes's school Valentine's Day party.  Wes was so cute.  He was so darn excited to go through all the Valentines from his classmates...all the kids were.  It was really precious to watch.  I got back to the hospital in time for Nate's pump to start beeping...complete...chemo complete!  Nate also received so many nice Valentines and presents, including a big box of goodies and a giant fortune cookie!  Thank you to everyone who sent him something.  He loved it all!  If anyone would still like to send him mail, please do.  We will be here awhile and he loves opening mail.  We have everything hung up around the room.

Day -2 I worked all day and Nate was well taken care of by Papa, Grandma and Linde.  This was the day that he started to decline a bit.  Not really eating anything and having bad diarrhea and more vomiting.  He threw up all over Softie and even though Grandma told me to bring a clean one (uhoh...don't tell Nate...we have 3 Softies), I forgot it at home.  After working 12 hours, doing some quick grocery shopping, grabbing clothes at home, driving down to the hospital, parking by the ER (because it's after 8pm) and walking through the whole hospital carrying a crap load of bags...I realized I left my phone in the car and Softie at home.  So, I walked back through the hospital and drove back up the 51 to rescue Softie.  I didn't get back to the hospital and Linde didn't go home until 11:30pm.

Today was Day -1.  Nate is continuing to decline and it sucks to watch.  He is still happy and in good spirits but he is super tired and doesn't really want to get up and walk around or play much anymore.  He has pretty much completely stopped eating and drinking and is having bad diarrhea.  The vomiting has gotten more frequent and he really turns green and starts heaving at the thought of putting anything in his or anything.  This is all to be still stinks.

Tomorrow will be his transplant.  It is similar to a blood transfusion and the cells will be infused through his central line.  There is a possibility for a reaction, so he will be given a bunch of premeds and will probably sleep through the infusion, which should take about 30 minutes to an hour.  This will be occuring between 10 and 11am.  I would like to ask for everyone to take a moment, if you think of it, at around 10am tomorrow and say a prayer or think good thoughts for Nate and his cells.  That the chemo is doing it's job and has killed all those "cancers hiding in his belly", as Nate says, and that his cells will do their job and repair his bone marrow quickly and completely.  We expect Nate's worst week to be next week as the chemo continues to wreak havoc on his body, before he cells have a chance to do their job.

   On Valentine's Day I noticed there were two distinct camps on Facebook...those who love it and soaked up all the candy and flowers...and those who hate it.  I suppose I've always had a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day myself.  When I was younger I hated it...always wishing some special boy (who didn't know I was alive) would be my Valentine.  Now, I've had the same special boy as my Valentine for the last 16 years (who gave me a mixed tape of punk rock songs for our first Valentine's Day, by the way).  As the years have wore on, Valentine's Day has become less about flowers and an expensive meal as it has about putting a smile on our kids faces and sneaking away to a movie by ourselves.  It's all very sweet, but none of the sickly sweetness of Valentine's Day is what love is all about.  Tonight as I was giving Nate a shower and rubbing cream all over his skinny came over me...THIS is true love.   Of course I've known this for some time, but for some reason it really hit me.  Real love...true love is about the hard times.  I truly believe this.  It's easy to love when things are fun and light and fluffy.  True love is sitting by your baby's side and cleaning up blood, spit, vomit and poop...on no sleep...with a smile on your face, because you love them so much you would do absolutely anything for them.  This is what parents do...this is what cancer parents do 1000 fold.  True love is not being able to see, touch or really talk to your husband much for weeks on end but to know deep down in your soul that you will get through this even stronger than before.  True love is hard...but man, it is SO worth it.  I am truly blessed to have so much true love in my life...every day.


  1. Beautiful words, Beth...

  2. I've been reading your heart wrenching story after Maya posted about Nate. I keep you, your family & Nate in my thoughts and heart always. You have an amazingly strong boy, you must be so proud of him.
    Ah, your post tonite really made my heart double in size & broke it at the same time. Is that possible? I don't know but this sentence is what got me - Tonight as I was giving Nate a shower and rubbing cream all over his skinny came over me...THIS is true love. When I read this I just pictured me doing this with my son and the tears started flowing, as they are right now. I don't think you could define true love any better. You are an amazing mama! Stay strong, stay positive & keep kicking cancer's ass!!
    I would love to send a crazy fun package to Nate can you post the address please. My son & I will get started on it this weekend.
    Love, love, love

  3. Praying for you all especially this morning. Yes, please post Nate's address. Love, Roz Holemon

  4. Praying for you today and always! You are an AWESOME mom and Nate can do this!!!

  5. Beth, beautifully said. We are praying and thinking of Nate and your family daily and will pray super duper hard this morning for this transplant to do all that it needs to. Much love

  6. so hard to type with tears running down my face, we have never met but was hooked the first time i saw SUPERNATE in his cape, i pray for SUPERNATE and the whole family everyday, I do know about what you are going through because I have been a BMT nuse for 15 yrs

    You are being SUPERMOM for SUPERNATE!!! just what he needs is all the love you are giving him, I belive that is the best medhe is getting

    Hang in there, lkeep your eyes on the light in that tunnell

  7. I will be praying for Nate tomorrow. And what beautiful words on true love, thank you for that :)

  8. Thank you for your beautiful words. I too cried as I thought about true love. Its completely true. Love is what you do for people and how you care by actions...not all the silly cards and flowers. Thank you for reminding us of that. Will be praying for your little man tomorrow.

    Love from Utah!

  9. I've had my fingers and toes crossed and been sending all the positive vibrations I have your way all morning long. FU Cancer, and goooooo SuperNate!
