Monday, January 9, 2012

Take That Cancer!

Here we are, sporting our Super Mommy and Super Daddy capes that were made for us by a very, very sweet lady.  Nate loved to see Mommy and Daddy, zooming around the room in our capes.  Thank you Mary and Aunt Lizzy.

We can mark today down as a victory for the Super Dinoffrias!  Super Nate, our sweet baby boy, is officially NED!!!  We got all the results from his scans and bone marrow biopsy back today, and there is no evidence of neuroblastoma in his body.  Praise God!

Nate also gained 1 pound over the weekend and everyone was really impressed with his progress, so they did not put the NJ tube in.  I am still nervous about Nate's ability to gain enough weight in the coming weeks, but I am happy that he didn't have to get the tube placed today.  We will keep a close eye on his eating and weight gain and hopefully he can be the Super boy that he is and gain this weight all on his own.  His echo cardiogram and EKG also came back normal.  I had a nice visit with Nate's main oncologist, who we haven't seen in a few weeks, and got a lot of questions answered.  Apparently, Nate's vomiting, which appears to be due to delayed gastric emptying is completely normal after the surgery he had.  They had to remove a "significant amount" of his liver, which is right near his duodenum and his problems are all expected.  We are going to try a medication to help speed his GI tract along.  It may or may not work, but we're going to give it a try.  We also talked about some scary side effects of stem cell transplant that I've been worried about and my mind was put at ease, the best it could be.  We will be having some big meetings with the actual transplant team in the coming weeks.  I also spoke with Nate's doctor about an alternative form of radiation that we will be researching a bit more.

All in all, it was a good day at the clinic.  Nate's platelets were a bit low, but not enough for a transfusion.  So, we have to be wary of a nose bleed in the next couple days and return for a count check, and possible platelets on Friday.  Nate has an audiology appointment tomorrow morning to see if he has experienced hearing loss and to what extent.  The reality is that most kids that receive the type of chemo that Nate got, do experience hearing loss.  So, I am expecting this.  I pray that if there is loss, it is not too significant...but if it is, we will teach Nate to wear the hearing aides proudly as a badge of honor in the war against cancer.  Thursday, Nate has to be at the hospital all day again, for a kidney function test.  Then Friday, back to PCH for a neuro psych evaluation.  Basically, to see where Nate falls developmentally.  We just can't get away from that place.

Nate did ok with his eating today.  Not a ton, but more than the days before and he has kept everything down.  He is also getting more and more perky each day.  It is apparent that he is totally exhausted, but he is just more "Nate".  Talking constantly and saying the cutest, funniest things.  Also, being a little stinker...which I truly love, no matter how much it makes me want to pull out my hair.  He still does not want to walk, at all, and cries when I make him do it, but he is sitting up a bit more now.  It's just baby steps right now, that are super frustrating because we are on a time crunch with the transplant looming, but he will get there.  Stronger and stronger every day.  Thank you to everyone for your kind words and prayers.  I read all of the comments and messages, and they mean so much to us.  A special thank you to Nate's special friend Nadia, who is in her own battle with leukemia, and her mom, Jeanie  They searched all over the hospital today and tracked us down to bring Nate a special book.  Nate loved the book and immediately identified with the characters in it.  I had a hard time getting through it the first time without crying.  Then, I read it again to both boys tonight.  It really meant a lot to all of us.


  1. LOVE the mommy and daddy capes!!! You both are indeed SuperHeroes, just like Nate. Well, your post just made my heart sing! Such good news! I will remain in prayer for Nate to gain more and more strength each day toward transplant. Keep your faith and God bless you!

  2. What wonderful news for your family! Keep on fighting, you are all superheroes!

  3. Lance's sister, Gwynda, had a stem cell transplant about 8 years ago. I am not sure if kids are different than adults, but if you need someone to talk to I am sure she would be happy to. Gwynda was in her mid thirties at the time. She's our miracle.

    So sorry that you have to endure this for your little boy. We are praying for all of you.

    Love, Roz

  4. Love the capes! I love the NED results even more!! You are all such super heroes to me. My prayers are with you all continually. Baby steps are good, keep believing and fighting!

    ~From a fellow mom of a red-headed nearly 3 y.o. boy in WV :-)

  5. HOORAY! So happy to hear a little positive happening for the little guy during what has been a rough time for him. I think about little Nate all of the time and it makes me sick to my stomach to think about the pain that he is in. :( I hope he continues to eat and gain strength... I am praying hard for this. You all are always in my thoughts and prayers!

  6. Love the capes and anything that brings little Nate joy is in order from my perspective. I follow your blog religiously and keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. So VERY happy about the NED results. Keep up the good fight.

  7. Love the Super Mommy and Super Daddy capes! What a fantastic idea! And I was screaming with joy at the news that Nate is NED. YES! That's our little superhero! I hope he continues to eat and keep his food down and gain the strength he needs to get through to the other side of this! I have hearing loss as the result of my neuroblastoma treatments, and I've worn hearing aids since I was 5 and a half (I lost my hearing when I was 2 and a half, but quickly adjusted and taught myself to read lips). I have more problems too, but I'm blessed with a very supportive family and I have strong faith in God. BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Hooray for Nate's scan results! And I'm so glad to hear he's getting a little stronger each day. He's come so far!

  9. Love the Super Mommy and Super Daddy capes! As others have stated -- you are also Super Heroes in my book. I am blessed to see your posts --- both the ups and downs. You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. tears, tears, and MORE tears!! I am so happy for you guys I don't even have words right now!

    kristin o

  11. Praise God!!! Continuous prayers for Nate to gain weight and for transplant to go very well!! Lots of love from one Mommy of a little feisty boy named "Nate" to another!! xox

  12. So very great to hear. I have been worried about him!!!

  13. I don't know you guys but have been following your story. I am so happy that his scans came back clear and he is getting stronger! Yay Supernate!

  14. This is amazing! I've never met you Beth or Super Nate of course but you guys are awesome. I was really moved by your last post and this one makes it a great one-two punch.

    Praying for you guys every day!

  15. Incredible news! So promising and uplifting!I'm in awe of your parenting and your strength. Keep up the good work!

  16. Wow! I was just contemplating a comment to your previous post and now see this post which really takes no contemplation,whatsoever: YEAH!! for Super Nate and his Super Family!! May food continue to go down, may weight continue to be gained, may Mom and Dad get some good sleep, may Wes's skin issues GO AWAY (poor guy! for crying out loud!), may Ellie continue to innocently toddle around, amusing her beleuagured parents (no idea how to spell that), may you continue to have amazing people surrounding you and praying for you all, etc. on the blessings. And the capes are really cool!

  17. Thinking of Super Nate and your family

  18. Way to go SuperNate! I am so happy to hear the results of the scans were nothing but positive. Beth and Chris you two amaze me with your abilities and your strength. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

  19. YAY!!! This is such awesome news! You are ALL such superheroes! Looking forward to reports of Nate gaining more and more weight and continuing to improve...and continuing to be a mischievous little stinker!! :)

  20. Thank you for sharing this wonderful news! Kepp up the good work! Love the Super Mommy and Super Daddy capes! It truly does fit you guys... still in every thought and prayer! GOod louck with the up coming weeks. LOTS of XOXO!

  21. I go to church with your cousin, Kris Wallace. She put your little guy and your family on our prayer chain which prompted me to send her an email in addition to praying for you. After receiving it, she wondered if I would be willing to post the applicable parts to your blog. If it can give you any encouragement, I am more than happy to do so... Those who deal with this particular fiery trial touch my heart very personally because our youngest son had neuroblastoma. I know it doesn’t always work out the same way for everyone and that when you’re aching for a child that is this sick, the idea of health seems so far out of reach. Sometimes I think you just want to hear that there is a possibility of hope, so I wanted to tell you that there IS and that amazing things can happen. Our boy is now 19 years old and 6’3” to boot. It certainly didn’t stunt his growth. He was free of oncologists from about 9 years old on and does not remember the bulk of what he went through to get him there. I will be praying that you will see God do the amazing in this little boy’s life and that this will end up a faded blip of a memory for Nate. Just know that we have living proof that health does exist beyond this cursed disease, and again, I'll be praying that Nate becomes another strong proof of that.

  22. Fabulous news!! So happy to hear SuperNate is NED! All of you Super Dinoffria's will be in my thoughts and prayers! P.S. I have two little stinkers of my own that I hold tight and cherish all the more because of SuperNate and all the other NB babies (Ronan, Layla, etc.).
