Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear Jennifer

I have avoided thanking too many people individually on this blog, because so many people have helped us in so many ways, big and small, it would literally be impossible to properly thank everyone.  I am afraid of leaving anyone out and hurting feelings.  So, first I want to say that every single thing you have done for us (you all know who you are) means so much.  We are forever grateful for everyone's love and generosity.  You all are truly pulling us through this.

There is one person, though, that I have been meaning to thank.  She knows how I feel, but I really want the world to know what a wonderful person she is.

Dear Jen,
We have been friends for 15 years.  We have been there for each other through thick and thin...fat and skinny.  We have gone through the crazy nights and stressful days of pharmacy school (boy, we thought we had it so hard then), we have traveled many places together, we stood at each other's weddings, and rocked each other's babies, we've been there through divorce, infertility, family problems and life's every day stresses.  We've laughed until we cried and cried until we laughed.  It is truly special to have a friendship like ours.  Though, I never knew how special until my son was diagnosed with cancer.

You have truly been there for me and my family in a way I could have never asked of anyone.  From the first day's of Nate's diagnosis, you called, sent texts, visited and brought meals.  You planned two amazing fund raisers for Nate.  You check in with me almost daily, to check on Nate and always know when we might be having a hard day or a great day.  You bring us lunch and friendship to the clinic when we are stuck there all day.  You come to visit us at the hospital.  You picked all of the marshmallows out of a box of Lucky Charms and brought Harkin's popcorn to the hospital for Nate!  You have gone above and beyond for us in too many ways to ever count.

You left your husband, three children and full time job, to come to New York and take care of me and Nate.  You really didn't give me a choice but to accept your offer.  You said, "I'm coming, just tell me when".  Plans changed, then changed again (at the very last minute), as they often do in this cancer world.  You didn't flinch.  You said, "Ok, now when do you need me".

I was thrust in to this world of childhood cancer, with no choice but to be strong.  You have chosen to throw yourself so completely in to our world now, mind, body and are truly strong.  This is not a fun place to be...a lot of days it is a very sad place.  This doesn't faze you.  You have read and learned about Nate's disease.  You follow and care about the other children out there fighting, just like Nate.  You are truly the only person I know I can unload all my worries, fears and sadness on (especially when I can't burden Chris or my mom).  You always listen, understand, encourage and never judge me.  You cry, scream, cuss and laugh with me.

I know it is not easy or fun to be my friend right now.  I will never be able to thank you for choosing to walk this path with me.

I love you forever,


  1. I love you more than words can say <3 I am so thankful I can be here for you. And humbled by your words. Thank you. I'm with you, no matter where or when...always.

  2. What an amazing friend. You are indeed very blessed with her!

  3. I don't even know either of you, but I'm so grateful that you have each other. You both seem so amazing. Birds of a feather flock together!

  4. Everyone needs a friend like that xo
