Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Love of my Life

Fifteen years ago, I went to a punk rock show with a skinny boy I barely knew. He was too scared to go to the concert alone with me and brought along one of his friends. I drug those boys on an adventure all over the city that day to hunt down tickets for the concert, meet the band and get our CDs autographed and finally to see the show. Looking back, they probably thought I was nuts (cause I am), but apparently that skinny boy liked my kind of crazy because 10 years ago, today, he married me.

Chris and I have grown up together. We started dating when we were 18 years old. I look at 18 year olds now and they seem so young! In a couple years, we will have spent more of our lives together than we have apart. That sounds crazy...but really, I can barely remember life without him.

We fell in love driving around in my '85 Chevy Cavalier and sitting on the curb in front of our parent's houses. We talked for hours and hours and hours...we became best friends.

We have been through some crap in our 15 years together. Crap that we weren't sure we were ever going to get out of. The one thing we knew for sure, though, is that we would come out of it together. Our family is certainly being put to the test now, but once again we know we will come out of this together.

I am very proud of our marriage. We took the little bit of luck we were given in finding each other and have worked hard to make something great. My husband is a great man. He is a hard worker and he loves me and the kids very much. He is a totally "hands on", fabulous father and is truly my partner in life. We understand each other completely and we make a great team. He is a very funny guy with my same, strange sense of humor and is always making us laugh. Did I mention? He likes to do laundry! I am truly blessed.

I am in the hospital today with Nate and Chris is at home with Wes and Ellie. We don't even get to see each other on our 10th wedding anniversary. Cancer may have stolen this day from us, but it could never steal our future and that makes us strong.

Happy 10th Anniversary sweeter! I don't want to be walking down this road, but as long as you're by my side I know we can do anything. I love you more than you'll ever know.

Enough of the mushy stuff. You want to know how Nate is doing. So far, he is doing well. He has tons of energy and still has a decent appetite. He threw up once today, but only because I had to give him some oral medication...the kid has a very strong gag reflex. Chemo will be starting soon. I am still cautiously optimistic that he will handle these drugs better than he did the last time, but last time it took a few days to really hit him. So, we shall see what tomorrow holds. Please continue to send good thoughts and prayers. Thank you!

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