Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nate Updates

Last night, Nate was goofing around and slammed his belly into our ottoman. He started complaining a lot of pain in his belly (and he's not a complainer) and then began throwing up. We decided to take him to Scottsdale Shea ER. They did a CT scan and found internal bleeding and a mass near his kidney. We were air lifted to PCH. He's been given a transfusion and is now under anesthesia getting a PET scan and then off to surgery. Not sure what surgery will involve until they get in there, obviously they will try and remove the mass. We'll let you know more when we know more. He has been very brave. Please pray for my sweet Nater Tot, that the surgery goes well and he will be treated quickly and completely.

Surgery went very well, as well as we could have hoped for. They were able to remove the entire mass (along with the adrenal gland it was growing on). The mass was huge, about 2x the size of his heart (though we know his HEART is much larger than any tumor could ever be) and was pushing his kidney and liver way out of the way. He did very well and was groggy but awake and talking right after. Thank you for all the prayers, thoughts and notes. I'm reading them all, please forgive me if I fail to respond. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery from the surgery and that we will hear good news, quickly from pathology (it could be weeks).

Thank you for thinking of and praying for Nate. These are the texts I sent out yesterday with the information we know right now.

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