Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Scan Week

Photo: How does 12 weeks go by so fast?! We spent the day at PCH. First, Nate had his audiology appointment. His hearing is the same (great news!). One hearing aid is slightly damaged, so we will send it in for repair when we return from vacation. Next, he had his MIBG injection for scans tomorrow. Nate did great getting his IV, with only a little whimpering and wiggling. Then, we got to meet a precious little boy named Zane, who was recently diagnosed with neuroblastoma, and visit with his family. We hate that there are still still kids getting diagnosed every day. Please keep Zane in your prayers and say a little prayer for Nate's scans to go smoothly tomorrow and, of course, NED forever!
How does 12 weeks go by so fast?! We spent the day at PCH. First, Nate had his audiology appointment. His hearing is the same (great news!). One hearing aid is slightly damaged, so we will send it in for repair when we return from vacation. Next, he had his MIBG injection for scans tomorrow. Nate did great getting his IV, with only a little whimpering and wiggling. Then, we got to meet a precious little boy named Zane, who was recently diagnosed with neuroblastoma, and visit with his family. We hate that there are still kids getting diagnosed every day. Please keep Zane in your prayers and say a little prayer for Nate's scans to go smoothly tomorrow and, of course, NED forever!

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